Changes to the apprenticeship funding rules that are useful for employers to know! We would like to take this opportunity in thanking you for your continued support during 2021/22 with your learners training on their Apprenticeship Standard.

Moving into a new academic year we felt it necessary to update you on several changes from 1st August. Not all will directly impact your learners on programme, it may just be reflective to any new learners.

Please note we have listed the main changes for you however we will be looking to hold an employer meeting in October so we can firm up this information, or alternatively should you need more information sooner please liaise with our team members.

To book an employer meeting please speak with our new team member Annie Walters!


The learners pay on your DAS account will need to reflect that on the PAYE.

Copy of Job role

We will require information from yourselves against the requirements of the apprenticeship role e.g. job description?

National insurance numbers from payroll

To ensure all NI numbers are the same as on your DAS account.

Withdrawals but learners remain with you

Where you may have removed/withdrawn your learner from your DAS account but remains in your employment, then the correct minimum wage will need to be reflected.

Off the job hours flat rate of 6 hours

All apprentices must receive a minimum of 6 hours learning each week, where support is required from the academy for additional days at the academy please liaise with team member. We have also attached 2 helpful documents to further support the mandatory requirements.

Recruitment an Apprentice need permissions

We require your permission (within your DAS account) to be able to secure any vacancies on your behalf. Please let me know how we can support you in this area.

Mandatory attendance inclusive of Functional Skills (active learning)

Learners attendance to training/remote sessions is mandatory as part of their apprenticeship standard. This also includes their functional skills workshops of maths and English where identified.

Please note where active continued learning is broken (failure to attend sessions) then this will impact your learners programme, and where eligible any incentive payments.

This is critical to maintain and would ask if you have any queries over this area then please contact your employer engagement contact named above.

Training plans and what is required

You will now receive a revised training plan with all new apprenticeships starting from 1st August, this will be discussed with you and detail your learners starting point and programme delivery and contents.