The perfect opportunity has arrived! You have been offered an apprenticeship. Well done! Here are 5 tips for your first day as an apprentice, that will help you manage your first working day.

It’s now time to show all of your strengths. Your first day is probably going to be the most exciting and stressful in your career but no worries; in the following paragraphs, we have put together some tips, to make sure that your first day is the best it can be.

girl asking questions


It’s your first day, you’re expected to ask questions! For this reason, don’t suffer in silence if you don’t understand something, as this will take up more time, and may need to know for future reference anyway.

Make the most of your first day by asking anything you’re unsure about. Asking questions can often show that you care about what you are doing and are proactive. With this in mind, taking notes is a great way to record the information for your future reference.

Additionally, these are some examples of questions that will set you up for success:

How will I be reviewed? How often?

Are there any unusual procedure or processes I should be aware of?

What are my main objectives for week one?

How do people prefer to communicate at the office?

What time do I get to take my lunch and for how long?


Researching the company shows them that you are enthusiastic at the prospect of being a future employee. They’ll get the sense that you really are genuinely interested in working for them and doing your best.

Firstly, prepare for some of the tasks you might be asked to complete so you have an initial understanding before undertaking them. Then, you can also search more into the position and your daily duties. 

Following this advise, certainly, you’ll have the job in the bag!

be on time


Set off in plenty of time for your first day, allowing time for late transport becasuse you never know!

Why be on time?

Demonstrates that you are diligent and dependable.

Indicates that you can be trusted.

Builds self-confidence and success

You will respect other’s time.


If you are willing and enthusiastic about the tasks given to you on your first day, management may be more likely to trust you with bigger responsibilities and more interesting projects.

There are number of ways that you can show this at work, for example, being helpful to others in the office and participate in tasks that aren’t necessarily limited to your job description this can go a long way with your colleagues and employer.

Finally set yourself goals and exceed them to prove that you are focused and willing to go the extra mile.

You got this!

working women


On the night before the first day of work, you’re likely to feel overwhelmed and excited, and you may feel that there’s absolutely no chance that you’ll get to bed. However, if you prepare in advance and make sure to have a relaxing evening, you’ll be able to fall asleep and to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for your big day.

They say that to have a productive day you need at 8 hours of sleep. Therefore, getting prepared the night before and having an early night will make sure that you wake up fresh.

To conclude with, try to have a good breakfast before leaving for an energy boost. Anyway, remember there will be other days you can prove yourself and your abilities, just try your best!


Last but not least, if you are feeling nervous about your first day, and are seeking to know more information about making a great first impression; we are here to help you! If you would like to speak with one of our team members, give us a call.